Our residents come from a variety of settings, where their care needs couldn’t be met.
We encourage a candid discussion, we welcome questions. We urge you to take a tour, see for yourself & get a feel for the community. Please check our references & see what family members, medical professionals & our peers have to say about us. Finding the right place for a loved one is a very important & emotional decision.
We get our referrals mostly through word of mouth, from family members, from doctors, nurses, social workers, home health & in-home care providers, from church members, from Assisted Living Facilities & Skilled Nursing Homes that are familiar with the quality of care we provide.
If we cannot take in/ accommodate a potential resident, as not being a good fit for our tight-knit community, or by lack of availability, we make every effort to actively help that family find an appropriate type of setting to meet his/her care needs & preferences.

Therapeutic Gardens are beneficial to Seniors with Chronic Illness and Disabilities. They are healing & restorative as well as inspirational.

"We'll be friends 'til we're old & senile... Then we'll be New Friends !" Alpine House encourages the Best Friends Approach to best serve Senior Residents.

Gardening: improves endurance and strength. Helps prevent diseases like osteoporosis. Reduces stress levels and promotes relaxation. Provides stimulation and interest in nature and the outdoors.
Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring. - Leo Buscaglia